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Car Repairs - Overheating nissan

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So you would diagnose this by looking for the fine air bubbles you are talking about above?

it whould give me a good idear what to do next.to confim youll have to do a pressurer airtest to the cly to see..if you

have a blown gaskit..

I just took the hoses off when it was empty and chucked the hose on it to pressurise it and water poured out the bottom, surely that would be enough to get some water flow and heat through the radiator?

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Yeah there doesn't seem to be any flow like I can feel the top of the radiator and it is hot the bottom is stone cold.. With the amount of water I could get through it I would expect some flow to be able to get through? Maybe not 100% efficient but should do something?

So doing a cylinder leak test for head gasket?

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Yeah there doesn't seem to be any flow like I can feel the top of the radiator and it is hot the bottom is stone cold.. With the amount of water I could get through it I would expect some flow to be able to get through? Maybe not 100% efficient but should do something?

So doing a cylinder leak test for head gasket?

to me if im getting this rigth the top hose is hot the bottom hose cold....its your radator is block [is this with out a teromstat]with a teromstat in. its your teromstat or both..

may i ask you put the teromstat in the wright way with the wax end toward the eng flow

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Yeah top hose is hot bottom is cold.. I read this as there is no flow and the engine is heating up the top hose but because it is not flowing it doesn't transfer to the bottom. If it was a blocked radiator they surely it would always overheat? Roughly half the time it is fine - really confusing..

Thermostat is out atm wanting to fix this without it fitted so I didn't have to worry about it being the issue and putting me down the wrong track. And it only fits in one way :)

BTW Anthony thanks for your time on the replies.. Going to try and top it up properly today in case there are air lock issues and go from there.

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sweet as...i still think it a block radator.they have very fine fins and they slowly

block up over time and then you end up start have over heat..only way to clear is pulling the top tank off

and cleaning them...a radator guy should be able to do that.....you may have flow with the hose but if the radator

not get the right flow though it will get hot spots and start to boil...as water cant flow though it proble

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There is a small steady stream of bubbles going into the water reservoir so thinking head gasket, most likely started out as a thermostat which overheated the engine and then head gasket blew.. Seems to be a common problem with these cars anyway.. Just rung mechanic and he agrees either head gasket or blocked radiator, taking it down at lunchtime for him to confirm before I change anything else.

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