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Brichardis have lost the plot

Bellshill Belgians

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This afternoon one of my pair of breeding Neolamprologus brichardi has decided to kill it's mate. The two have been breeding happily (new babies about every 3 weeks) in my frontosa tank for the last 9 months and there are lots of their offspring (those that have survived being eaten by tankmates) in there too (ranging in size from approx 5mm to 4cm). They have a huge territory at one end of the tank and the frontosas tend to stay at the other end ( 6 foot tank).

I have changed nothing in the tank (apart from some of the water this morning - usually once a week approx 15%), there have been no new fish for 9 months. The attacked fish is looking very sorry, tattered fins and bites on its back, probably won't survive. I didn't see anything wrong until feeding time this evening when I saw it's mate chasing and biting.

Seems a bit odd to me, anyone else seen this happen??


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This happens with tangs sometimes it is hard to say what happened maybe the one tha got a hiding was trying to eat thier fry and the other took exception? I had issues with my jullies when the babies got to 2-3cm because the male started to chase them off and the female tried to kill him..

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