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Native Aquarium Turangi!


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We went for a little trip to the Trout Center today!

Well worth a visit. It's so cool seeing the wee natives (and big introduced fish!) up close. I look forward to going back when everything is up and running and the tanks are fully stocked.

It was also fun reliving childhood memories and walking through the trout farm.

Here's a couple of pictures until Stella gets on here and adds better ones. :D





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LOL you sure got in quick! The formal opening was yesterday.

It is really at the start of the settling in period - it is physically done, but we need to bump up some of the stocking rates, sort out the lighting, and generally figure out how on earth it is all going to work. But the major part of the work is done, and it looks like you got to see some fish! :)

I have a whole lot of photos to sift through and upload, but for now, here is a video of the kokopu tank, taken the day after the fish were added:

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We did! There wasn't a lot to do today so we thought we'd go for a mission. It looks good! I love the idea of the big tank down the middle! Makes me want to upgrade all my tanks! The wee torrent fish are very cool indeed. I've been reading your book planning something amazing haha. :P

I even packed up my flexi bucket and no less than three fish nets to go for a bit of a fish at the molly swamp afterwards, but my dog decided to throw a tantrum as we were leaving and when we were halfway there I remembered the bucket sitting in the middle of my lounge! We went for a look anyway and it was swarming with little ones. Next time...we may have to rope some people in to go for a look with us. I was amazed at the life there today!

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