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Tadpoles taking ages to metamorphose

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I bought my dad some tadpoles for Christmas, so by now they would be at least three months old. He started off feeding them on pond weed and bits of boiled lettuce leaves, which my mum had heard was a good food source for tadpoles, but they just didn't grow much at all. It looked as they were never going to get any bigger or start growing legs or anything, so I thought the lettuce might not be enough and bought some goldfish food for them. They started growing pretty much as soon as they started having the goldfish food, and they're now quite huge, but their legs just aren't appearing. Funnily enough, the smallest of the three tadpoles has the biggest legs, the other two are a lot bigger but they have virtually no legs - only the tiniest little buds of hind legs are visible if you look really closely. I would have thought that they'd be well on the way to their metamorphosis by now, and am wondering if it will even happen at all, or if they'll just stay in their tadpole form for the rest of their lives. Can this happen with tadpoles if they have not been getting sufficient food for a period of time, or is there still hope for them? Is there anything I can do - can anyone help me out please??

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