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Hi Fay, Many people have an alkalinity higher than NSW in order to increase ease of calcification, and hold PH up. However if using zeovit, it is important to go with the zeovit recommended levels. These are calcium between 420 and 440, and alkalinity between 6.5 and 7.5. If Keeping alkalinity at precise levels is difficult, is better to err on the side of higher.

Here is the zeovit manual, which will run you through it all http://www.captiveoceans.com/ZEOvit%20Guide1.pdf

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Kalkwasser has other advantages as well. It precipitates out phosphate (mechanism unkown). It also boosts your skimmers ability to skim, (again I don't know how).

These are commonly known, although unproved, other than anecdotally, I have never had a phosphate reading ever, even doing triple sensitivity. Also skimmer skims more stuff when the kalk drip is running.


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Of what?

Kalkwasser is just Calcium Hydroxide.

Reef Success Calk. I don't know, but is probable calcium chloride mixed with maybe something like sodium carbonate. Which i wouldn't think would be such a great idea if it is, because you'll get calcium carbonate precipitating out pretty much immediately? But I don't know for sure (about what's in it).


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calcium hydroxide

Ca(OH) 2 , colorless crystal or white powder. It is prepared by reacting calcium oxide (lime) with water, a process called slaking, and is also known as hydrated lime or slaked lime. When heated above 580°C it dehydrates, forming the oxide. Like the oxide, it has many uses, e.g., in liming soil, in sugar refining, and in preparing other compounds. It is a strong base and is widely used as an inexpensive alkali, often as a suspension in water (milk of lime); it is used in leather tanning to remove hair from hides. It is used in whitewash , mortar , and plaster. It is only slightly soluble in water, about 0.2 grams per 100 cubic centimeters, so its solutions are weakly basic. Limewater is a clear, saturated water solution of calcium hydroxide. It is used in medicine to treat acid burns and as an antacid. Because calcium hydroxide readily reacts with carbon dioxide, CO 2 , to form calcium carbonate, a mixture of gases can be tested for the presence of CO 2 by shaking it with limewater in a clear container; if CO 2 is present, a cloudy calcium carbonate precipitate will form.

(Calcium Hydroxide)


Chemical Analysis Percent

CaO 73.00

Ca(OH)2 94.50

CaCO3 1.70

MgO 1.10

SiO2 1.10

Al2O3 0.60

Fe2O3 0.20

S 0.028

LOI 23.00

Available CaO 71.50

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