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My New Clown Knife


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what size tank is he in?

i love clown knives. trying to get mine huge! but growth tapers from 40 cms ish.

but they get awesomely thick!!

make sure you get it onto pellets :D easier thatway, not picky, just needs tob e trained.

before you know it, you have a monster on your hands

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hi.....i have temporaraly got him in a 100l tank for 1 week untill the silicom on my 200l tank....these will both be temporary untill h grows a bit more.....he is eating pellets already.....HFF was feeding him TetraColour bits....Which is good.... :happy2: i am so excited he is awesome !

Cant wait till he grows :happy1:

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2m tank? They have potential to get bigger than aros, I felt bad keeping one in my 6ftr :roll:. And yeah, henwards right, they grow super fast, my one that I kept at henwards grew from 15cm to almost a foot in about 2 months NO JOKES - agreed with henward it was the fastest growth rate we have ever seen. :o

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Clowns are wicked grow huge though. I used to live in singapore as a teenager there was a pet store that had one in a 6 foot display tank, the fish was absolutely huge must have been about 80cm long. I felt really sorry for it it couldnt even turn around properly. They used to feed it mice and goldfish, so the store owner said when no one was around. They need a truly massive tank when fully grown. I had had a few small ones in a six foot tank with a green aro years ago but had to sell my set up to pay off debts, otherwise I would probably still have them and an even bigger tank. Wife has been telling me to cut back on my fish tanks so one day I might have one again!

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