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And they're digging holes everywhere lol..... I have a fancy that its the BN's I've seen them flicking the sand all over the place with their tails.... having said that I also often see sand flying ouy of the Yoyo's den too.... the clowns seem to do the least dammage no ones eating plants, just digging them up!

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Its their house and they are just moving their furniture around a bit :nilly:

But I know how you feel, my big bristlenose male is forever digging holes everywhere, and every now and then I see his tail sticking out and twitching just so often and then I know the silly guy got stuck while shifting his furniture around :o

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Silly you for not understanding your fish more like it....

It's all good David.... we're having councelling to deal with our "issues" and learning to compromise lol

It's more just the plants I was thinking about really, they aren't getting time to establish their roots, I might just have another go at rearranging this weekend... and try and move the plants away from the sides of the tank more as this seems to be where they like to do their best landscaping :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have just learnt to make sure the spray bar is really really well suctioned to the tank, because if it slips your SAE will freak out..... find the only gap in the lid of the tank..... jump out of the tank, land on the floor behind your cabinet, get covered in dust and won't make it through the night :tears:

Sometimes I wonder if I am really cut out for this fishkeeping thing.....

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