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My First Arowana


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Would be wise, you've seen henwards RTG making his tank look small. It only took 18 months for the green to get up to that size and was still growing, the tank is 180 long, 75 wide and 60 high and I still don't think it would have been big enough long term. Don't know why people recommend a standard 180g for asian aros...

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Would be wise, you've seen henwards RTG making his tank look small. It only took 18 months for the green to get up to that size and was still growing, the tank is 180 long, 75 wide and 60 high and I still don't think it would have been big enough long term. Don't know why people recommend a standard 180g for asian aros...

Comepletely right IMO. I would go 80 by 90 by 220 for a suitabley sized tank, I like to have enough swimming space for my fish. LOL @ henward, trying to cram as many tanks possible into his small garage haha :lol:

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I've never been a huge fan of monster fish but David, that's an awesome aro! :hail:

I know, right?? David, seriously, what do you feed him? Is there a secret training regime? He's a beefy fella. Once his colour really sets in he's gonna look awesome.

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Is there a secret training regime? He's a beefy fella. Once his colour really sets in he's gonna look awesome.

I sold him back in May last year along with my other large fish (dats, ornate etc). I should email the guy who bought it and see how its going.

It was fed a diet of Hikari food sticks and raw shrimp, and once big enough Hikari Massivore pellets. I'll be interested to see how yours goes given that its now in a big tank, mine grew 1.6" per month up to about 14" then slowed down a bit.

http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... p?t=230409

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I sold him back in May last year along with my other large fish (dats, ornate etc). I should email the guy who bought it and see how its going.

It was fed a diet of Hikari food sticks and raw shrimp, and once big enough Hikari Massivore pellets. I'll be interested to see how yours goes given that its now in a big tank, mine grew 1.6" per month up to about 14" then slowed down a bit.

http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... p?t=230409

Yeah, I'll definitely keep you guys posted. Thanks for posting the pic, now I know what you meant by stunted! My poor little guy must've had a tough childhood, it's like he's half the size he's supposed to be.. :( Anyway, I've got a packet of Hikari pellets (size appropriate, not massivores yet) and some prawns in the fridge (de-shelled, I'm not taking any chances) so we'll see how he responds to a high-protein diet and swimming space for a change.

Just curious, how often is appropriate for me to feed him at this stage in his life? I've read so many different opinions I don't know what to believe. At the moment I find that he gets hungry every night, so if I feed him in the day he doesn't eat. Is daily feeding too much? I don't want to overload my bioload too suddenly with the new entrant either..

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That fish may even be from the batch where david got his aro from.

to be honest, i am not aware of any new shipment at all, meaning if it is, then that is definitely stutned.

it can still get large, but shape wont be as nice, maybe not as large long term but thats ok.

its still a nice fish, just not as nice as it could have been.

with good water, food care, it will grow nicely and still reap rewards in terms of having a nice aro:)

at least its not hunchback!

davids green was huge, solid! my rtg has definitely slowed down in growth in terms of llength, but girth, its still getting bigger slowly but surely.

I think dimensions is extremely important for aros.

wider is better. instead of 60, do 70 or 80. height isnt as much of an issue, 60 is ok i think, 70 is better.

long term, 180 gallon is not enough, but, i think for a couple to few years, its ok.

if its by itself, i think it could do ok as it will have plenty of space.

i have seen asian aros in 180g to 200g tanks, growing spectacularly large and healthy.

but they are alone also.

as long as the fish doesnt have to do a 3 point turn, thats is key! if its does, tank is too small lol

or if the width of tank is same as length of fish.... then thats a no no.

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feeding, you can feed your fish as much as it wants to eat if your filtration is enough, water change enough.

tecninically, they will eat what ever they can when ever they can in the wild.

greens can grow faster and stronger cos they are a more wild species. less inbred. which means they are stronger genetically.

the fancier ones, some claim to be stronger thorugh selective breeding but do not grow as fast.

some have told me red is bigger than gold variants.

but green is definitely the more monstrous one of the lot.

herre is a link of my 1200Litre RTG tank.

this fella is currently at 50cm plus, i think 52 ish to 53 but its difficult, and relaly i dont really measure it anymore lol

it eats whole prawns with head, tannk and shell. I cut the sharp bits off, i stuffed its food with massivore all its life. even til now if i am not too lazy:D

i also put it into a tanning regime when it was 2 years old by putting numerous power glos on the tank.

this tank is linked to another 1200LItres, total system is 2500. small sump no room.

i do a total of 120 to 130% water change a week.

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Yeah, I think that's what worried me a little bit, that the fish is still this size at 2 (?) years old.. I've accepted that it's not a perfect fish (size and gill) but it's still my first and I'm gonna give it the best chance to grow out. At the moment I'm trying to "bond" with it by standing in front of the tank regularly so that it gets used to my presence.

Dimensions wise, I did another measurement, and it's about 70cm wide. From the start I'd only planned to leave the upper swimming space solely for the arowana. Not only for swimming space but also for aesthetics. I prefer to let the arowana be the centre of attention rather than another fish dashing around in the background.

I think the consolation is that I'm aware of its condition, but I still love him to bits! :love:

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there is no reason to not love it!

its awesome!

aros rock!!!! :happy1:

oh yeah.....

i want to collect all available species in nz one day:D

its actually an obsession of mine now lol

i have black aro, rtg and jardinii now.

next is red.

then a silver/green comm tank one day.

then if i have more money, maybe get a fancier gold variant perhaps. or try to source an ALBINO arowana.

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yes, true:)

albinos are too expensive lol

BTW, Henward, can you please have a look at my pics of the fish farm and tell me if one of those is an albino silver aro?? When I saw it, I could not figure out what it was! It's got the body shape of a silver (no doubt), but it's yellow-going-gold in colour. I tried to look but I don't think I saw red eyes (but I can't be certain).. Could there be an elusive gold-silver arowana??

P/S It's the 2nd pic from the top..

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I think his landlord might have something to say about that! :o

http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... G_1935.jpg

If thats not an albino silver then what is it!

It appears that I must've stumbled onto a secret fish farm experiment. No doubt they've sent people over here to "deal with me". If this is my last post alive, then Henward I bequeath you my green so that you're one step closer to achieving your goal.. :tears: :wave:

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