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Growth rate in Zebra loaches


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I have four Zebra loaches in my community tank. Three were bought together from our LFS and one about a week or so later just over 2 months ago. Now that they've gotten used to their new tank and coming out in bulk, I've realised there's a whopping size difference in them. Sorry about the pics :roll:




The other two are fractionally larger than the tiddler but nothing like the monster leviathan! :o Thankfully he seems to be quite placid although he'll see off any intruder that encroaches into his space under the log! Is this extreme growth in just over 2 months??

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You get that.

With clown loaches, you will find out of a large group. Some growth rate is spectacular.

I just recently purchased a somewhat large group.

Interesting the dynamics of the school changes dramatically from a handful to a shoal.

You will find that some grow so fast, others seem like they don’t grow much at all.

Body shape is different too. Some get longer, some get talker and thicker vertically.

Even my larger ones are like this.

Some just have a different body shape, bgody length and growth rate. Genetics perhaps. Maybe from different parts of the river? Who knows.

I find that in my big school – maybe 10% are much faster growers, I can see they will get big fast and the bigger they get, the more they eat and the more they eat the faster they get bigger…make sense? Hahaha

Some of my small ones I got all the same size, and some are almost double the others, some are 50% the size and some are still small and does not look like they grew much at all.

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Ive got 6 of the Botia Histronica in a large loach only tank with about 30 similar sized loaches and have noticed with most of the loach species that the growth rate can vary immensely, i've got 1 thats easily doubled in size within a couple of months and a couple that dont seem to have grown at all although they were the same size when they went in about 1 yr ago.

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