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help with very sick dwarf flag


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Hi, had this guy for a few months now, bought of trademe with another. Noticed a week or so ago that he had a lifted scale or something on his lip but didn't think much of it as he was still swimming happily around and eating well and so thought he must have knocked it etc. But, as you can see, its gotten much much worse with the lip coming off (know idea when) and although he's still swimming around, he's not very happy and it lots like its going to get worse somehow, not sure if he's even eating - i suspect not with the lack of half a mouth and all.Any ideas?

I've got a 20l tank that he could possible move into, if I could catch him etc but the plantings slightly bare which is where he likes it in the main tank now (240l), and he's not being harrased or anything so I've left him for the time being.

Medicate it, wait it out or euthinase?



All ears

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