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Dead Queen Arabesques!!!!!


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I just went up to check on my Queen Arabesque Pleco's and found 2 of my 3 dead :cry: :cry: :cry:. I can't belive it, they had been doing so, so well. I don't know what could have gone wrong.The only thing I have changed is putting in the 700l/h filter and taking out 2x 200l/h filters yesterday. Yesterday they were looking fine, colour was normal, no sunken eyes or any visual features that looked out of the ordinary. But this is what they looked like just now...




Tank size - Approx. 40l (10g)

Tank inhabitants - just the 3 Queen Arabesques

pH - 6.6

kh - less than 10

Ammonia - 0

Nitrites - 0

Filtration - 700 l/h with oxygen tube running into the it.

The only thing that I can think of is the heater may have stuck on and cooked them, as the water seem quite warm.

Anyone have any idea's on what may have caused it

Will keep you posted on how the last one goes...

Cheers, CatBrat :cry:

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so sorry to hear about your loss :cry:

temp is importent and also how long had the 700l/h been in the tank was it a new new one or one from another tank?

never put a new filter in and take the old one out the same day because you want the new one to be working well before you take the old one out

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I didn't have another thermometer in the tank (I should have though), but I'm not sure that was even the problem.

I removed the sponges from the old filters and put them in the new one, so that was fine. The recommended pH is 6.4-7.6 so that was also fine. They were the only fish in the tank.

My remaining female seems to be breeding very fast and seems to be lethargic. I don't know wether I will be able to save her.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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Well, I found a thermometer and checked the temp. It's down to about 78*F and it feels much cooler than this morning. I have also done a 30% water change with fresh rain water (warmed up) and I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Will keep you posted....

Cheers, CatBrat.

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