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The new look :)


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that is a nice looking Del Fruju , i do think you have a Bichir addiction though, :)

Not that the addiction is a bad thing. Got some new plants from dben, thanks heaps, tank look is coming along nicely, now just have to wait for the plants to grow out.



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could be festae roughing up the flagtail

flagtail rocks! love flagtails

so tempted to get a school of them, 5 to 7 in a tank but apparently you need big tanks as they get agro to each other or anythign with a red tail.

my flagtail thinkgs the tilfoils are flagtails and chases them lol

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could be festae roughing up the flagtail

flagtail rocks! love flagtails

so tempted to get a school of them, 5 to 7 in a tank but apparently you need big tanks as they get agro to each other or anythign with a red tail.

my flagtail thinkgs the tilfoils are flagtails and chases them lol

Nah, I think it was the Jar, but the tension is diffusing I think.

Nice fish, very light colour and patterning, Palmas hybrid? :wink:

Looks like a female from what I can see, I need a female Del :roll:

Def not a palmas hybrid, but a mint looking Del none the less, got a male del and female del, the new guy I think may be another male 8)

nice markings!

Told you so. :wink:

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i keep telling you. massivores. fastest and best way to beef fish up.

something about hikari food, and i have tried a few brands.

but hikari does something to really make growth faster.

i find fins are longer - visibly more bulky and longer.

fish get beefier and bigger, not to mention hungrier.

NLS is all good, i use THERA A for my clonw loaches. they love it.

BUt when it comes to beefing up fish, MaSSIVORE AND sinking carnivore.

probably cos its got almost double the protein content.

i was thinking of using sinking carnivore or massivs for a month or two to get some bulk on my clown loaches - then back to thera a.

switch it around.

i find that when you do a blend, some fish tend to pick and choose what they eat.

as opposed to leaving them no choice but to eat what you want them to eat

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