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what to put in tank?


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Hi there,

That size tank is on the small side for many natives - the ground area is so important for them. Too many fish in a small ground area will lead to lots of aggression.

However it can be a nice 'intimate' size for some bullies, especially if you have it somewhere where you will spend a lot of time there and get them really tame. I had a tank that size with a couple of Cran's bullies on my desk, they were really neat to watch :) It wasn't a particularly attractive tank (I didn't put in the effort) but I got to know those little dudes really well.

Maybe two pairs of <6cm bullies, or one pair of bigger ones, though I do find that the small ones are easier to adjust to captivity, and it is satisfying to watch them grow.

Choose a species that you really like, and have them all the same. Redfins are the most dramatically, but non-diadromous Cran's are really attractive (orange not red) and can successfully breed in freshwater. Bluegills are smaller and totally cute, but they are fastwater fish and it may be tricky keeping the temperature down in such a small tank. Although males tend to be the more colourful and active sex, avoid having more males than females.

Alternatively a single cray would work (I wouldn't have bullies in a tank that size with a cray - om nom nom!) and they are very entertaining pets.

Make sure you have plans for keeping the temperature down over summer. Small tanks can fluctuate wildly, and reach higher temperatures, both of which are really bad for natives.

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