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Angel Fish not quite upright?


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We've had a couple of angel fish for about 2-3 weeks and i've just noticed over the last 24 hours that they are not always upright, sometimes a bit / or \

Is this normal? They are in a tank with bottom dwellers, ammonia and nitrite/nitrates all at zero, pH 6.4.


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We've had a couple of angel fish for about 2-3 weeks and i've just noticed over the last 24 hours that they are not always upright, sometimes a bit / or \

Is this normal? They are in a tank with bottom dwellers, ammonia and nitrite/nitrates all at zero, pH 6.4.


Let me guess, you have some lights off to the side of the tank? Many fish orient themselves towards the light. Turn the tank lights off with a bright room light outside and you'll find the entire tank swimming around at a 45° angle.

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the tank lights are off at the moment. the tank is in a corner of the room and there is sunlight shining in at the moment. so is this why? they're not sick?! i was hoping i was being paranoid. i moved these guys to this particular tank a few days ago.

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