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Eggs = Babies


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Just found my little Krib gaurding a little entry to a cave and on certain angles i can see lots of little eggs on the bottom of a rock. Is there any thing I need to do from now? I hadnt expected them to breed in my community tank. if only my rams would pair up now. :P

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Kribs bread easy. And are also good parents.

I had a pair years ago, and they bred. 2 babies survived as there were angels in the tank.

What else is in your tank?

With kribs, all I suggest is making sure you have enough small food for the babies.

-ps. You also posted this in the wrong section. Kribs are cichlids. not anabantoids.

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hi there yeah i realised afterwards and im still getting used to these little forums.

in my tank i have Dwarf gouramis discus rams and fighters guppies BN.

ive been keeping a eye on them and the eggs are slowly disapearing and cant see any babies yet and this is day 3.


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What colour are they eggs?

If they're white they wont hatch.

If the discus is huge, it might pose a threat, if its still small the kribs will keep it at bay. Same goes for the BN.

The rest shouldn't really be a problem.

Ram vs Krib would be pretty even in size, so not sure how that will play out.

Disappearing eggs could be due to all sorts of things.

Parents eating them, others eating them.. hatching? etc etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

okey dokey no eggs survived they all went white before going else where... thats ok i guess wasnt overly prepared. my discus are only babies aswell but i have scince set up another tank and seperated a few now so we will see how that goes with a less crowded tank. quick question though why did they go white? and do i need to move the BN out? will loaches be ok?

thanks for your help it is much appricated

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