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Advice wanted on rearing clown babies


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At last! My 2 false perculas have laid eggs.

I know chances are slim, but I'm going to give raising them a shot.

If anybody can tell me anything at all about this I'd greatly appreciate it.

In particular does anyone know where or how to get live rotifers?

And anything else, please share.


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so you will need a seperate tank, lots of air input and recomend an optional air driven skimmer. NO poweheads what so ever.

Be very carefull moving the egss into the second tank due to the difference in osmotic pressure.

rotifers ?


Kelly tarltons

Auckland Uni




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MAF will probably have something to say about importing rotifers from Australia. I'd try the NZ sources listed.

You will probably also need a phytoplankton culture as well. Like Ben has said, you'll need a separate tank, preferably plumbed into your main system, and have a large sponge covered overflow from the rearing tank into your sump. You can't really have any sort of skimmer or powerhead in the tank, they are just too small when they hatch.

A search on reef central should give you heaps of info, look for posts by "JHardman", he is the resident clown fish expert there. Good luck raising them.


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Layton is quite right i forgot about the whole maf thing.

I know of ppl that have got them in from


Or here.http://www.austasiaaquaculture.com.au

In particular herehttp://www.aquasonic.com.au/

You could also try getting shipped to someone in Aus, repackage in case MAF flags all of there stuff that comes in.

A friend of mine works for MAF in the city ill see what she can come up with.

Oh speaking of seperate tank i reckon this would be the bomb



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They have not hatched yet, however you can see little eyes in each egg, so it can't be far away.

Not much joy getting rotifers, some places that used to have them now do not, had it confirmed that NIWA have them, but cannot get the right person because of the Christmas holidays.

So I'm going to just try NSW, and hope there are sufficient plankton to do the job, but my hopes are not too high.

I'll update with progress as it happens.

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Livebearer, JFYI, even newly hatched brine shrimp are too big for them, so rotifers are the best alternative.

From what I've read, they may be fed brine after around 10 days, although of course brine are not very nutritious.

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HOLY HECK!, and i thought $15 for a microworms culture was expensive.

Shae 250

Yes, the $200.00 is a bit hard to swallow, although I thought it may be OK for an initial culture if I could set up a system to maintain them.

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What about freshwater rotifer cultures? You know a jar, a drop of egg juice (boiled egg through a muslin coth), left in the sun for a days until it populates?

Also what about NSW? Or an established 'refugium' that loaded with pods and shrimps? There must be little critters in there for the big ones to grow into?

Good luck

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I've got a question, I gave my son some brine shrimp eggs Five days ago they hatched the next day and we put them under the microscope, i noticed that there was another organism swimming around in the water??, does anyone know what it is?, is it food for the brine shrimp?, and if so can you use it as food for hatched fry (clown fish, etc...)?

The reason i ask if it a food source for brine shrimp is that four days after hatching they're still alive and i can't find a trace of the other organism now.



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