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adding sand into new tank


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when setting up my new tank i am going to have a substrate i think i might go for a black one

first of all is the iron sand on the west coast usable or is therre a type that you can buy??

if not ill just use some white stuff, will the new sand cause a new cycle to happen?? what is the best way to approach it??

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what sort of tank will the new one be? i've never seen a coral reef with black sand before? depending on how much you need, i have some aragonite sand (very white) you can have. you dont want the sand too fine otherwise it will grow anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that live without oxygen) i think these are good for breaking down nitrates, but if you stir your sandbed up it'll cause problems. Get something a little coarser (like aragonite) then a small layer fine sand ontop of that. i also have some crushed coral sand you can have (alot finer and a little yellower than aragonite) i wouldnt use any beach sand coz its probably too high in silicates.

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well its been a while since ive been to kawhia, but last i can remember there was no rust at the beach, i havent added any sand or even gotten the tank yet so dont worry, im just asking questions,

one thing that puts me off is that it wouldnt act as a ph buffer

just so that you can see what i was thinking about have a look at the link here

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... uarium.htm

i still havent decided on the final dimensions of the new tank but it will be about 100litres with my 88l as the sump

thanks for the offer chimera, the argonite sand (white coarse stuff) is what i was planning on if the black sand didnt turn out to be suitable

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