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what lights do you use?


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Yes, I did used to have a horrible algae problem. I dont know how I solved it. After one water change, the algae never came back. I think it fixed some water imbalance (possibly nutrients) and this coupled with the tank being well established contributed to removing the algae.

Now I get absolutely no algae, except for some green hairs that grow on the heater, filter. These are easily cleaned by a magnetic cleaner.

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My 4ft community has 4 daylight fluorescents and the African 4ft has a double fluorescent (probably daylight or bright white). Any tanks I have that are 2ft or less I use those short fluorescent bulbs which just lie on the glass lid with a piece of plastic guttering over it for a reflector.

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Hi Critter Guy

If you told us what you wanted to do with your tank (heavily planted, just fish, or lightly planted) we could recommend what you would need. Because heavily planted tanks need more light than normal tanks.

More is always better, but in some cases you can get away with less lighting.

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I have got 4x30Watt, T8 (i think? just the standard ones) Two of them are "cool whites" the others are called "biolux" which is an osram tube. I think tho the biolux might be a little high in the "green". Initially had some some black hair algae - but a double dose of Flourish excel sorted that real quick! Altho not sure if that was related to lights? Still having a few issues with brown on the plants, but things look to be coming right.

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