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puffer tank layout


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I'm 16, what else would I be doing at this hour on a Sunday? :lol: Here they are.

:lol: :lol: I'm glad I'm not the only one. Also... Dark Night - TV2. Do it.

As for layout, I would spread out the grass stuff a bit more and Hide the heater behind those plants. If theres room.

Is that a Full tank shot? If so, try facing the driftwood the other direction. Something about it is a little to balance. Maybe more the Sword plant (?) to the side of the driftwood. HTH. Looks good though.

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Have a look at aquascaping articles online, they're very useful/inspirational. Most importantly would be the "golden ratio" and "placement in threes" (which I think originates from all that Zen Japanese stuff.)

Golden ratio work wonders but it is hard to do well. The ratio is believe is 0.618:1 approx. but you can judge it as it is about inbetween the middle of the tank and a third of the tank point. If that makes any sense.

If you think of this picture as the tank, the black line is the center mark, and the red is each 3rd. The Yellow lines are about the 1.6:1 mark. This is how I judge mine. :lol:


Planting in 3s is a simple rule that speaks for its self. It is far more natural than find single random plants, rocks etc etc lying around. (Unless you go for a single centerpiece of course.) Never plant in even numbers as it encourages unnatural "evenness".

HTH Also hope it doesn't sound like a load of bull.

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Not a problem! I too still like advice. :lol:

To show you how the golden ratio works...

When you look at these pictures you eyes SHOULD first look at: ...




Somewhere between the center rock and left wood spike.


Sticky out log.

And for a random one...


The left side of the shoe.

These are the areas you want to make your center point. If you really do your research and are talented you will find that Mr Takashi Amano (renowned aquascaper if you didn't know) strategically scapes/photographs his tanks so you eyes follow the path he wants. :lol: I have yet to do that well.

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