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Building marine sump for cube tank -where to buy glass


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im going to use this thread to detail how i build my sump , i have a cabinet-maker friend who can cut glass well and is prepared to help/teach me

with that side of it . the first thing i need to do is get the glass

The biggest panel will be the bottom its roughly 550x 450 so at a guess i can get the bits of glass i need as off cuts i was thinking 6mm as the sump has numerous divisions which will in effect brace it as well as half of the sump only being half full any way

so first question is where to get cheap off cuts of 6mm glass in chch ?

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or how about using a plastic storage bin from the wharehouse or similar, pending size and space available. will just need to be careful with the heater.
that was my first idea however once the skimmer is in i dont have any room for much else and the skimmer working well depends on the water level being constant.

thinking i may as well use all the availible space under cabinet and make a refugium as


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heres my design now i finally figured out how to use sketch up roughly half is a fuge which can be fed via skimmer chamber (and out round hole or pumped in from the return chamber (thru the hole) and out into the skimmer chamber which ever is better or will work the bubble traps set the height about 30cm which is how deep my skimmer needs to be to operate properly - its a big skimmer its 500mm tall and will be plenty for this tank

the return chamber is the small chamber with the hole drilled in the side



constructive critisisim welcome if you feel i have left something out or haave something in there i dont need please let me know

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