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Hydroponic Plants


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Does any one have problems with plants that are grown Hydroponically?

I am sure some plants that I have brought have been grown this way and dont seem to last onece they are planted in the aquarium

All plants seem to lose their color and go clear and streaky, root ball looks fantastic

Hope someone can tell me what is going on, am I wasting my time in buying this plant and if so should the people selling it tell you that it is grown this way?

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Are you talking about a specific plant Bruce, or just hydroponically grown plants in general?

I haven't noticed any problems with plants that can be specifically attributed to them being grown hydroponically. There are short term "problems" with plants that are grown emersed. Such as the plants need to switch to a submersed form of growth. The original leaves may drop off and new growth will continue in the submersed form. This is especially evident with many of the Hygrophila species.

Are these clear leaves the original leaves the plant had when you purchased it or are they the new leaves that are being produced?

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I've had very little luck with bought plants. I don't know if that's because my tank isn't a great plant tank or what, but most of the time plants I've bought(From animates if it matters) have just sat and done nothing or slowly rotted away. I HAVE had some Valisneria that did grow well, but that was maybe 1/4th of the valis I bought.

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The only thing that can be wrong is the rockwool.,This must be removed before planting or even being put in the aquarium.

I dont like useing rockwool the only reason my plants will get shipped out with it is because shops like it, its easy for them to just plop into the for sale tanks.

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From what you have described nothing comes to mind as to what the problem actually is. I take it that other plants are growing OK in this tank and it is only hydroponic plants that you have problems with. Although obviously Vallisineria would not be grown hydoponically. You mentioned that the "root ball looks fantastic" is this when you first get the plant or after the plants leaves go clear?

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