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steve slack

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Cuttings Steve.


When you "tip' your main stem, it will then start to bush-out.

Tip the new ones, now you're really heading towards a bushy plant.

What to do with the cuttings?

Trim off the leaves that will be under the gravel (so the don't rot),

then bend the stem down into the gravel so as the gravel holds it down and the roots will soon start forming.

But be careful of any boisterous fish.

You could end up with a lot of floating ambulia until of course the developing roots can hold it in place.


I have read some where, that the sap of freshly picked ambulia is poisonous.

I haven't found this so, maybe you need a lot of cuttings to do the damage.

Alan 104

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Cut the top 10cm off, strip the whorls so the bottom 3cm or so is just stem and replant, if you leave the old stem in the gravel it should start branching out. Once the new shoots are big enough you can cut them off and replant. Providing you have enough light, and it is kept clean i.e. in a area of the tank with good water circulation, it should start branching out by itself.

I hope this helps.



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