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soo clooose


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got the tank filled today and my DIY rebracing job seems to have held.

TOUCH WOOD :hail: (to the fish god)

Hope to have my sump pump plumbed in a day or to but shes a beast so hooking up excess pipes to ensure not to a high flow rate through the system will be a mission :(

Then i can finally claim my midas blenny from work hes only been there 4 months :lol:

Plus new shipment out 20/12 must resist, all ready got a drilling today for not putting enough money aside for the honeymoon.

aah finally my own reefy instead of all thoose tanks at work, get ya clippers out folks gonna need some cuttings :D

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Good Stuff Dogmatrix :lol: you got any pics yet

Im right behind you filled my tank up last week now just waiting for the cycling to go through. :evil: then i might be able to bring it inside instead of having it in the shed. Dam her and her saying "Im not looking at an emty tank while i eat christmas dinner with my famaly." :roll:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the fist fish in yesterday, a Midas blenny, now i just need two more of them :( .

Will get the hallide on tomorrow and hope to get my sulphar bead de-nitrator running soon.

The rotating spray bar is working very well hope to have some pics up soon.

get my anemone, 2 colonies of ricordia, colt coral and other frags tomorrow. SWEEEEET

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