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Which Fish Eat Bristlenose Fry?


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my bn male is guarding some eggs in our community tank. just wondering if they do hatch successfully should i be moving them to our breeding tank so they don't get eaten? in the community tank there are: silver dollars, flying fox, loaches and a few non-threatening fish like neons and guppies. cheers.

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yes i'm most worried about my silver dollars as they are a decent size now, but still not full size yet. the 2 loaches are botica angelicus. trying to catch the fry will be interesting, if they do survive of course. the last lot of eggs were laid outside of a cave so they never hatched, these ones are inside a cave.

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Ive got my GBA pair in their own tank now as the last spawning was a snack for their tank mates. They were in my african tank though so no surprises really. Wouldnt mind throwing in some small fish to make use of the top 90%, it looks like its empty most of the time. Would tetras or similar eat eggs or fry?

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