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My Fighters bred, in the community.


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I just walked in on my two fighters getting it on in the back left corner of my 4ftr :bounce: :bounce:

He had the choice of 4 females and he picked the girl he spawned with last time. Strangely enough i witnessed a second female come along, acting like the other one did before spawning, only to be chased away by the couple. Losing half the eggs in the process -.-

But yeah. second fighter spawn. Not sure what to do. Will it be safe to try and put the wriggles into a net breeder once i get them?

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try to scoop the nest with eggs carefully together(better use a cup), put them into a breeding tank(a corner), and then move the male into the tank as well, but you have to move them a.s.a.p before other fish get the eggs, and before they hatch, as long as they hatch, you have to wait for next spawn.

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