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Interesting community fish


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Hey guys,

I have a planted community tank with platys, BNs, fighters and a couple of other fish and want something unusual or interesting to go in there. I would LOVE an EBJD but I know that won't be any good in there (or would it :wink: ). So I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of what I could put in there to add a bit of interest.



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Don't the elephants get to like 25cm?

Judging by the small fish in there, the tanks probably not big enough.

You could try... Ummm... If you can afford it maybe some fancy plecs. Lol.

Don't know your thoughts on khuli loaches, but they're kinda cool.

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Yeah the tanks only 60cm long so elephant nose is prob too big. But I want something interesting like that (although I doubt anything will be small enough). Not too keen on fancy plecs as a couple of hundread for one fish would stress me out too much cause I'll be worried I'll kill it lol. I have some khulies in a different tank and their awesome but wanted to get something a bit different. Good ideas though, there all the type of intersting fish I'm thinking about. I was also considering bumblebee gobys but I thought they'd be a bit too nippy and they prefer brackish tanks.

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Maybe a horsefaced loach? or w/e its called.

Shops usually have something strange for sale.

IDK if your fighter is very ... impressive... but if it already is the focus point of your fish, if you add another "unique" fish it would almost ruin the effect.

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I was going to buy a banjo catfish a few times now as there are the wierdest looking things ever but everytime I go to buy it I think about how all it's going to do is hide under the sand or in the plants as thats what I read they do. I was also going to get some electric blue rams but they're $32ea and most are looking pretty sickly if they manage to get them into the shops. Won't a TT eel get too big for the tank?

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lol. they are awesome and really cheap. My lfs has them at about $13.50. The only bad thing is they don't move much and like to hide in plants or bury themselves so unless you look in the tank hours after the lights ben turned out you won't see them much, or atleast thats what I've read. A question for people that have them, is this true, or would I sometimes see them?

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Depends on fish, tank size, environment, light and tank mates I guess.

I've had plenty of fish that are supposed to hide and some of them hide, and some don't. (Same type of fish)

I guess if you get them big enough with plenty of cover so they feel safe where ever they go.. shouldn't be any problems.

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This is the only reason I haven't bought banjo cats yet. Watch the link and you'll see how most people don't get to see them during the day and with my planted tank with a fairly deep sand substrate I'd probably never see them.

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the cool thing about a whiptail is that you can always see them! they are camoflaged so their reaction to a perceived theat is to freeze rather than hide

I have two "black" whiptails, one is near on full size at 9-10cm so they don't grow too big .. and yes always visible. they tend to have their favorite spots. My smaller one is always right at the front on an ornamental log. They love decaps brine shrimp and get quite active walking all over the tank looking for it. And it does look like they are walking - cool fish!

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