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CO2 pH changes - how to deal with this?


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Hello :)

Im wanting to find out what i can do to adjust pH levels in my tank incase of a pH drop once i add the CO2 system.

Ive read that using buffers and things like "pH Up", will lead to inacurate CO2 level tests? (can anyone confirm this?)

So if no buffers are to be used or pH Down/Up , what should i do the fix the pH if it dives after CO2 system is added?

Also, how can i adjust KH levels if need be? (up/down)


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Ummm the amount of kh(?) in the water is a so called "buffer" it reduces the change in ph, but doesn't stop it.

Adding co2 to your tank WILL cause the ph to drop, but that shouldn't be a problem, especially since most fish living in planted tanks like acidic water anyway.

Tbh, I wouldn't bother messing with the ph once the co2 is in, it would just make it unstable and DANGEROUS.

I am no expert, pretty sure its close to the truth, but could be wrong. =p

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Depending on which fish you have, the can probably handle the change. I renewed my DIY CO2 last night and it's still going crazy this morning. In just one hour I had to remove it from the tank because the fish were gasping, still gasping several hours later. All are fine this morning, the big change didn't shock them.


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Just got rummy nose, siamese alge eaters, golden plaeco, clown loaches, planning to add a bunch of cardinal tetras, hopefully those fish can deal with the pH drop.

Going to add the co2 very slowly at first though of corse.

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