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Male Severum Attacks Female In New Tank


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I have 2 green Severums, a male and a female. They have breed a couple of times so far but end up eating the eggs. They were in a tank that just had marble chip base, a few rocks and terracotta pots as caves. In that tank the female was a little aggressive towards the male but otherwise fine. I have put them in a new tank that has gravel base, same terracotta pots and rocks, but i also added vegetation and it has harder water. The Severums are a darker color than in the old tank and the male has become extremely aggressive towards the female to the point that she hides behind a pipe at the back of the tank all day and if she moves he attacks her (her fins are now all torn and she has lots of scales missing)

Does his aggression have anything to do with the vegetation, harder water, something to do with hole in the head (which they both have), or is he just over her inability to successfully reproduce?

Anything i can do?

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