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Clown Loach with White on Eyes


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I have purchased a clown loach on Wednesday night to go with my current two. He was in a tank at the pet shop with one other, and he was swimming around really busy and had very black stripes, while the other one was less active and very dull in colour. So I picked the busy bright one and when I released him into my tank I noticed that he had little white cloudy dots the size of a pin head on each of his eyes. My other two loaches have lovely sparkly black eyes. Do you think this was a stress thing, or would it be some kind of disease? I am not sure if I should take him back and swap him for the other one. He has been hiding since I put him into my tank, so haven't been able to get another good look, but he did come out for a couple of seconds last night and I could see the white was still there. He is a bit bigger than the two loaches I currently have, so don't think he should be intimidated.

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These are likely scar tissue from past injuries or parasites. It could also be active disease. If it is just scar tissue, it could be negatively affecting vision but the fish is likely to live a good life anyway.

If it were me, I would swap it out...just in case it is an active form of disease. Better safe than sorry. :wink:

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