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java fern/ windelov on driftwood


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I've attached the fern to the driftwood with thin nylon .. but i eventually want to take the nylon off .

It's not that obvious but I know it's there and the fish are pecking at it! I'm worried a kuhli might wiggle under and get caught or cut. How long should I wait before the roots on the fern are well established?


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I've attached the fern to the driftwood with thin nylon .. but i eventually want to take the nylon off .

It's not that obvious but I know it's there and the fish are pecking at it! I'm worried a kuhli might wiggle under and get caught or cut. How long should I wait before the roots on the fern are well established?


When they no longer need nylon to hold them on :wink: I'd give it about a month, maybe less. You should see roots creeping down the sides of the driftwood and attaching to it.


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Maybe try using the lead strips from your plant cuttings.

That what I used on the others that stuck, just this one spot where I want it to stick is too wide to get the lead to bend over a lip and grip. Maybe the lead holds it firmer and allows better gripping?

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