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New Cichlid Tank


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My new 215 litre tank has arrived. After it has cycled etc would it be okay to put a pair of Kribensis in with five juvenile Jewel cichlids. There will also be a few Bristlenoses, Neons & Glowlights. The Kribs haven't started breeding yet, probably because the tank they are in at present is too small, but when/if they do will the Jewels be safe? Or will it be the other way around - will the Kribs be safe from the Jewels as they grow?

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Thanks Alan, will do. I filled and started the tank last night, put plenty of water from two other tanks plus filter pads and about half of the ceramic thingis from them plus a good dose of Cycle so it should get a good jump start bacteria wise! Can't wait to get my Jewels now - have put 6 Zebra Danios in it in the meantime - they never had it so good, have gone completely mad!

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