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Khuli Loach Questions


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Just added 4 of these guys to my puffer tank. I've just noticed that one of them has some white stuff on his body / head (see photos below). Keep in mind that it doesn't seem like this is a fuzzy kind of thing - it seems like his original coloring has been 'scratched off' his body.

Is this something to be worried about? Photos:




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My loaches are now doing great :D

However I hadn't seen all 4 of them in the tank at the same time in a while, so I opened up my Fluval 205 and there he was. How does a fish this long make it past the impeller without jamming?

like I said.. mine did that 3 times! The third time I thought he was a gonna.. was motionless in the filter (which is a trickle filter) and he was on very shallow amount of water on top of the cartridge and was not only scratched but looked like he was bleeding internally and his fins were red. When I went to scoop him out he wiggled and leaped back into he tank and lay there for an hour before hiding under driftwood. He is great now. I then I bought a shorter intake pipe so he wasn't so tempted to swim into it and he's not been up since.. the other kuhli had more sense and stayed out of trouble.

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My loach was fine, thanks to the canister filter. I took out the sponge cartridge, nothing. Then took out the media baskets, nothing. Put it all back together, and checked the bucket where I had stored the cartridge / sponge, ant there he was! The loach that made its way into the filter was younger (therefore thinner) so he could fit through the strainer! Hopefully when he grows he will have more sense / be too big to fit through there.

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the impeller is on the way out :D

i had one that must have swum thru the wrong way as he was way too fat to get through the strainer . they told me a redwood aquatics there is always heaps of them swimming around the pipework out the back they are crazy little fish

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i had one that must have swum thru the wrong way as he was way too fat to get through the strainer . they told me a redwood aquatics there is always heaps of them swimming around the pipework out the back they are crazy little fish

crazy and cool little fish - i love them!

here's mine , the first time he went up the filter: (that's bok)


and another one (Bik) when he/she was younger. Much fatter and bigger now, I'll have to get an update next time he/she is out dancing.


and Bak:


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mine are in with guppys, platy , female fighter. had a bristlenose in with them for a while but he harrased the kuhli and wouldn't let them eat. After rehoming the BN , we've seen the kuhli out in the open a lot more.

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