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Happy discovery! Found my fish!


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So I had a sump malfunction and it leaked, and i had to drain it out silicone it and all, I had 5 goldfish and 1 festae cichlid in there too. So during the draining i took out the goldfish and had everything out pretty much before remembering to take out the cichlid. I couldnt find it! It had just disappeared, I was quite annoyed coz it was a cool fish, wasnt anywhere, not outside (where water was pumped or on the floor), anyway, I gave up after 1/2 hour and thought him dead. Drained out the water but left a MARGINAL amount in one compartment filled with scoria and stuff, took out heater and everything, things needed for tropicals.

Week later had another sump issue and had to repeat the process, this time while I was rummaging through the rock I saw a little flash of colour, and there it was! This guy survived with a tiny amount of water, no heating, no food, no light, in a small space underneath a pile of rock!?? Somehow it wasnt crushed, and surprisingly enough its colour turned out even better :o

No idea how this guy survived, but definitely my luckiest fish :D

Anyone else with miraculous survivals?

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I found an apple snail I did not know I had on the floor behind my big tank yesterday. he is about 2-3 cm smaller than the other ones, so judging by that he would have had to have been on the floor for at least a month :o

put him in the tank, and he came out eventually happy as ever.

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Anyone else with miraculous survivals?

Never under estimate an american cichlids ability to survive! Years ago I had a 5x2x2' with a big black aro, 14" fire eel, a couple of half-grown oscars and a few other fish. Bought a small jag on a trip to Auckland (from Whangarei) to visit Hollywood, got it home and realised it was a lot smaller than I had thought! I didn't have any other tanks so I had no choice but to drop it in the tank. next morning I couldn't see it and thought it had been eaten, no surprise really. A couple of days later I'm feeding the tank and I saw a beady little orange eye peeking out from a small hole in a piece of driftwood, then the jag darted out, grabbed a pellet half the size of its head, and went straight back to its hole. It kept that up until it was big enough to avoid being eaten...


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:D Very pleased it lived

Never under estimate an american cichlids ability to survive! Years ago I had a 5x2x2' with a big black aro, 14" fire eel, a couple of half-grown oscars and a few other fish. Bought a small jag on a trip to Auckland (from Whangarei) to visit Hollywood, got it home and realised it was a lot smaller than I had thought! I didn't have any other tanks so I had no choice but to drop it in the tank. next morning I couldn't see it and thought it had been eaten, no surprise really. A couple of days later I'm feeding the tank and I saw a beady little orange eye peeking out from a small hole in a piece of driftwood, then the jag darted out, grabbed a pellet half the size of its head, and went straight back to its hole. It kept that up until it was big enough to avoid being eaten...


yeah, these cichlids do ok huh, except for angels who do not fail in killing off every other angel in the tank :evil:

Damn, bet you regretted selling that aro, the eel and the jag woulda been awesome, im keen for a jag...

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Damn, bet you regretted selling that aro, the eel and the jag woulda been awesome, im keen for a jag...

Yeah but thats what happens when you buy big fish and tanks when you're young and still living at home. Moving those fish and getting a bigger tank (which the aro needed when I sold it) to go flatting in Hamilton just wasn't an option. I wish I didn't have to sell it, but I don't [can't] regret it as it was the right choice at the time.

I just wish I could find another one now... :(

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