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Pretty sure my baby guppies have white spot~!


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My first real problem, since starting my tropical tanks.

First off, I moved 16 guppy fry and 8 baby b/n plecos to a new tank.

I set up the tank had it cycling etc, moved them all in......and everything was fine, up untill yesterday!

Found all the B/noses dead & 1 baby guppy.

I noticed that some of the other guppy fry have tiny white spots on their tails, is this the dreaded "white spot"?

I am not sure what I did wrong with the other tank, maybe the temp was wrong or something, would it take a week for the B/n to die from stress?

I will get some White spot cure today hopefully.

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its hard to see white spot on b/n but guppies are easy, sounds like thats what you have but also have you tested your water?

and in a new tank b/n dont have anything to eat so if you hadnt been feeding them that might not have helped.

whats your temp?

put some white spot cure in and turn up the temp

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no thats food is fine but they do need wood so if you dont have wood feed jbl plecochips they are great have 10% wood in them

ph is a bit low they can live in cold water (not saying your water is cold) but if you take them from 27 to 24 they will get a cold eg white spot

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They had wood in their tank, and both tanks were set at the same temp.

I did put alot of oxygen weed in there, could something have arrived on that I wonder, as I didn't even think of cleaning it........if thats the case my main tank will have the same problem :-?

Arrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg White Spot is NO FUN!!!!!!

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Philz said:

The tank was from Pegusus, used for plants I think he said.

I cleaned it well,

I can't understand why you mention this...

Am I a suspect to the cause of your problem... ? :)

White spot cannot survive without a host for 48hrs.. and the fore-mentioned tank/s (like many others) had been empty for the past three months... hence the reason for you getting them.... although they may have had a few watermarks and dust on them... but certainly not a consideration in your present dilemma.

and used water from the original tank.
.. was the correct thing to do... but even if the water was the same condition, the fish could have become infected through stress... netting... chills... or a number of other things.. and even the transfer of the water could have lowered the temp several degrees.


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Oh no Bill :( .......didn't mean for it to come across like that at all!

Was just trying to say that it wasn't a new tank was all, sorry if it came across differently, as that was far from what I was trying to say.

I have got the white Spot cure, so will begin treatment right away.

Thanks for the help everyone.

As for the oxygen weed, the lady I got it off, had some in her tropical tank and said it would be fine :-?

Doesn't last long though, as the apple snails eat it :wink:

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I am hoping the white spot gets worse before it gets better?

Some of the little guppies are covered with it now, poor things.

Noticed it on my 2 male guppies now aswell.

I turned the temp up to 28 and dosed on Tuesday, they bottle says after 3 days dose again at half the dosage amount.......Is there anything else I can do, or do I just sit tight and wait.

The Brand name is Wunder, White Spot Cure. Is this stuff reliable? (only brand they had in the store)

I don't want to lose any more fish :cry:

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I don't know about that make Phillz, I usually use 'Antiseptic' from MasterPet and up until now have always had 100% success with it. White Spot broke out in one of my tanks last Saturday after I moved my Platies twice in two days! At the moment I have the Platies, three Gouramies and a whole lot of baby Bristlenoses.

I've dosed the tank everyday for four days so far it's only the Platies who have it, it's gone on the ones that originally had it but it's constantly showing up on new ones every day - so far the Gouramies are okay and the Bristlenoses have been as busy us usual every day - you can't really tell if they have it or not.

However, after upping the temperature and doing a large water change yesterday I dosed the tank with some MelaFix this morning instead and now all the Bristlenoses are just sitting there looking quite stunned - still alive though! It's quite a funny sight really if I wasn't so concerned - looks like they're all sitting on the rocks sunbathing!

Where have I gone wrong? The MelaFix use by date is Nov 2004 so I would have thought it would still be okay, maybe not.

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OK, I'm worried now, as it is not getting any better!

My Fav femal guppy has it all over her now, looks terrible, the 2 male guppies have it on their fins and tails, and some of the baby guppies have it all over aswell.

The other species of fish look fine, no signs of whitespot as yet.

Poor thing, look terrible, but are eating and behaving normally.

If I can get hold of another white spot remedy, is it ok to treat the tank right away?

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It takes time for whitespot to go through their life cycle phillz. Have you tested the tank water? What are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? What size is the tank by the way? Keep up with the medication and siphon the bottom of the tank to get rid of extra cysts.

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Have you tested the tank water? What are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings?

I only have a PH Tester kit and it reads between 6.6 & 7.0

What size is the tank by the way?


have you added tonic salt

No, but I have some.

be carfull though as i am prety sure bristle noses hate salt in ther water

I don't want to hurt my little B/noses :cry:

Hopefully it will right itself soon, poor lil fishies

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