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Shrimp eggs?????????!!!!!!!


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The 7 odd shrimp that are in the tank (including Bluey http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=44563) which I caught yesterday in the local river, have settled in nicely and have stuck to their cave like hole under my driftwood, they kinda dug themself a tunnel from cave to cave through the substrate. However I woke this morning to find 10s maybe hundreds of lil things in the water. Ill try update with a pic but its almost impossible to take a photo without a special lens.

Hard to describe but its almost like the shape of a tadpole but 1/50th of the size.

Will try to get a pic with the big camera, but anyone care to comment???

If it is eggs/fry........what do I do???? :D

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Could be, but some other critter that hijacked a ride is at least equally likely. Nothing to worry about, just something to watch.

My understanding is that shrimp need seawater to breed, but I don't know if that is an adult or juvenile requirement, or exactly what the process is.

I do know that the female holds the eggs under her tail while they develop. Crayfish babies also stay on the mother for a while, I don't know if shrimp do similar.

Here is one I caught that had eggs:

http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o165 ... imp003.jpg

(later I found her dead with no legs... I have no idea why, possibly fish-induced)

It is really interesting to populate a tank with little bugs like these and see what they are and do. You learn soooo much watching these little critters :bounce:

A guy I know did a study on 'unintentional' invertebrates in aquaria. Found that most had several (I can't remember the numbers - hey, are you still trawling the forums? ;) help me out here!) He also found several that were previously not known to be in NZ, and that generally pet shops had the highest numbers of unintentional species.

(people tend to freak when they discover their own 'unintentionals' but the chances of them being detrimental is very remote)

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Could be, but some other critter that hijacked a ride is at least equally likely. Nothing to worry about, just something to watch..

(people tend to freak when they discover their own 'unintentionals' but the chances of them being detrimental is very remote)

Thanks Stella, put my mind at ease a little bit, although I'll still keep an eye, my first tank setup ever and the day after I add the shrimp these things appear, most of them have been sucked up into the filter so I'm hoping I'm not responsible for the breakdown of the verge of a new found species in NZ :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...


I use to put a tense tied piece of panty on the artichoke.


like these but with the "artichoke", it avoids baby shrimp being sucked by the filter.

I`ll put a pic of one when i get the camera ;P

Luck with these shrimps :)

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typicall eheim artichoke with a piece of panty on the left, the elastic band is not the best one...

handmade artichoke on the right, with a good elastic band, like the used between a tab and a washing machine, tensing the piece of panty.

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