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HBAS February Meeting - change of date.


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Due to a booking at The National Aquarium, the February meeting will now be held on

Saturday February 20 at 6.00pm.

This meeting coincides with the Sleepover at the Aquarium and will include a

Pot Luck Dinner and our first

Auction for the year, along with a quiz for our club members and sleepover participants.


Sleepover at the National Aquarium of New Zealand on Saturday night, enjoy some fun and

games before bedding down in the main Oceanarium.

Suitable for children and those who refuse to grow up!

Have your dinner before you arrive, or bring something with you at 6.00pm to share as a pot luck dinner.

(Sorry - no fish and chips allowed, they smell the place out, and the occupants may get a bit upset...)

Cost - $15.00 per person, includes breakfast on Sunday morning.

Tank Crawl - help us judge our annual tank and pond competition on Sunday.

Meet at the Education Room at the Aquarium at 9.00am for judging sheets and directions.

The tank crawl will conclude with a Sausage Sizzle provided by our club at the final tank crawl

destination in the early afternoon.

Bookings - please book your sleepover by sending a PM to me and I will give you the

payment details.

If you wish to attend the fun and games for the evening but are sleeping somewhere else, or

just want to participate in the tank crawl, let us know as well for catering purposes.

The Fine Print - The sleepover is limited to 40 persons - first paid replies get first option,

please be aware that this is Art Deco Weekend in Napier, and alternative accommodation will

be at a premium, if not non existent, although there will be some interesting deco events for

non fishy people to attend.

Please bring your own sleeping bags and pillows, and if you think that you will not be able to

handle the concrete floor for the night, bring a camp mattress as well.

There are no shower facilities available at the Aquarium.

Hope to see you there!

A notice has been sent to all club Secretaries to distribute at your meeting or via email.

Any queries just ask here.

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I will be coming to my first HB Meeting.

Shall i bring a chocolate cake too?

I might have time to make one at my dad's place and bring it along for supper. :roll:

My kids are all eager too. sleeping bags are all ready and for me, a nice noisey, squeeky airbed :lol:

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