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New Clown Killees


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I just got back form my LFS, and they were selling a whole bunch of Clown Killies. I ask the owner how much they were selling them for and he said that because they were so small that he would only charge me $3 each :o:D. So I bought all 8.

Does anyone else keep these? Do they need any thing special? How do you spawn them?

Cheers, CatBrat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Catbrat, just got back from a buying spree in Auck. on Monday.

Just for interest sake, what shop did you get them from?

How have they been?

How many have survived??

Cause the ones I saw were either dead or dying in the two shops I saw them in.

They were absolutely too small to have been thru the Q imports, and have been fed well.

Maybe a local is breeding them.

Anyway, keen as I am on killies, even I couldn't be conned into buying any.

Alan 104

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  • 2 weeks later...

CatBrat said...

> I just got back form my LFS, and they were selling a whole

> bunch of Clown Killies.

Sadly, all the (Psuedo)epiplatys annulatus I've seen over the last few

months have been female. Do you have any males with yours, they

should be obvious?

It's ironic since once upon a time I had heaps of males and couldn't

find a female for any money. Typical.

One of my favourite fish, but they've been a 15 year source of frustration

for me :)


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