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Goldfish breeding


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Hi Folks

Hope this is the right forum. As some of you will already know I've had my goldfish only for a few months so I'm just learning.

Out of 11 goldfish I seem to have only one female and she seems to want to spawn all the time! The first time I found most of the other fish chasing her around I put her into a small tank with two males and although she did lay some eggs I completely missed it and didn't realise until about four days later when I found just a few going mouldy - I don't think any of them had been fertilised.

How would I know if they had been, does anyone know? Apart from finding some baby fish one day that is!

Last week it started all again so back into the small tank she went this time with the largest fish, they stayed there for a week and absolutely nothing happened!

Now today it's all on again and I don't quite know what to do, obviously the small tank is not conducive to what comes naturally but if I leave her in the large tank with FOUR males chasing her constantly for much longer she's going to have a heart attack - every now and again she stops and justs lays there as if she's dead - and then off they all go again!

Or am I being over protective? Should I just leave her be and see what happens? I know the eggs probably won't last very long when they do appear but DH just rolls his eyes when I mention getting yet another tank!


PS I can't put her into the small tank at the moment anyway as it's being used as a hospital.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Brian

Thanks for the reply but in the six short months since I posted my query I've sold all my goldfish and gone into breeding platies and guppies - not that I originally intended to but they had other ideas! I now have a 90 litre tank chock a block full of them, mainly babies of all sorts of sizes. In fact I'm hopelessly over stocked and they still keep coming - what amazes me is that the older fish aren't eating the babies - they are all getting on quite famously.

I don't suppose you want a few do you? Selling VERY cheaply....

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Dawn, Sorry for the late reply. been busy with work lately. Too bad you gave up an breeding goldfish. I am currently breeding lionhead and oranda.. its so tedious! hope fully I would be successfull this time. Last year I only managed to grow only 3 lion heads to maturity, they are now 3" long and the pretties. Thats what prompted me to breed again.

I am glad to hear your guppies doing well. At the moment I just dont hv tank space to have any.. Thank you for the offer to trade. :)

Blueram, I have a tank full of baby kribs as well!! I hv 2 breeding pair that does not seem to want to stop breeding.. I dont even need to care for the fries, they take take care of themselves!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Dawn,

What colour male guppies do you have??

I'm interersted in blue/green tails. Do you have any??

Sorry Blueram I have only orange/red tails & very few males anyway. My main female died so I mainly have platies and as soon as my dh finishes putting up some shelves in the garage I intend to start a proper breeding programme.

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