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Discus isn't to well, i need advice


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I have only had the discus afew days, was put into 200 litre q/tank along with another discus and some plecos

I noticed that night i got it (saturday) it was at top of tank with top fin & bottom fin drawn back

Sunday was still at top drwn back fins and darken in colour not eating - sunday night still the same so i removed him into his own q/tank

Today he has fins clamped tightly very dark and on his side, still not eating

i have been doing lots of water changing and adding alittle salt and seems to perk up alittle after the change then goes back to looking sick

What do I do?? I think maybe it gill flukes because of the clamped fins?

I don't have any meds to treat him with, but have just rung vet to see if i can get metro and prazi they are ringing me back. I do have furan2, salt, meth blue, tonic, formalin.

Can someone help?????

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Well i have just got off the phone to the vet and he is happy to give me metro but he said they don't have droncit and he said that vets don't usually stock that anymore???

Thanks Nav - i have been doing lots of wc's but ok so i have proberly way to big ones so ust small ones from now on - i have temp on 29 so will turn that up increase it slowly.

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I am going into town now P44 to pick up the metro - i rung and talked to adam asked if i can get some water so will get 40 litres today - get some more tomorrow

But i don't think it is the water - but i will try there water

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i now have on hand 10 tablets of metro 400mg - i will not treat untill I hear from an expert weather to use or not.

I also have a vet that has ordered droncit in for me which will be here within 2 days - i have had to order a box of 50 tablets :o so if anyone wants to buy some off me PM me.

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I would treat with Furan2 first. Put the sick fish in a 40 ltrs tank to treat so you only use 1 capsule per dose. Don't need to increase temp (28 will do).

Double dose first dose.

after 24 hrs do a big wc and dose 1 capsule.

repeat 2 more time.

Put an airstone in tank (don't need filter)


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Ron this fish was the healthiest in a tank of about 8 discus. he ate like a pig the morning she got her, so I don't know what is really wrong. It came from a tank with a UV sterilizer and the fish were prazi'd before going into the tank.

need help mel? i can try making it out there after work one day.

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I have it in the water he came from now and have treated with furan2 so hopefully he'll be ok - he does seem a bit perkier since adding the furan his fins are up and is swimming upright now and not as dark.

Should i try feeding him while he's being treated or not?

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How is it doing today?

My guess is that its just sulking or adjusting to the huge change. Its unlikely that it would go from being healthy and hungry to deathly sick in one afternoon.

I'm not a huge fan of charging into the medicine cabinet for a quick cure unless I am sure of what I am treating for but with that said I do routinely treat for worms and parasites every 3 months as a just-in-case so the precautionary meds suggested like furan-2 and metro are probably not a bad idea and wont hurt.

From what you described its doing a lot better now anyway so that's good news and yes feed it if its hungry.

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Ron this fish was the healthiest in a tank of about 8 discus. he ate like a pig the morning she got her, so I don't know what is really wrong. It came from a tank with a UV sterilizer and the fish were prazi'd before going into the tank.

need help mel? i can try making it out there after work one day.

If the fish had been prazi'd and is eating like a pig , then it can't be fluke or hex which is why I suggested to treat with Furan2.

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yesterday before i started treating with furan2 he was floating on the top completely on his side?

Anyway I have just completed another big water change and dosed again with furan2.

he is looking alot better today - swimming upright fins are not clamped and colour is back to normal - however he is losing alot of his slime? is this the furan doing this? I have dosed with stress coat aswell.

i have tried feeding him, but he won't eat? should i be worried at this stage with im not eating?

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I think i am going to try the metro? - as he is looking quite dazy (dopey even) he's sort of just drifting about?

do i put him in clean water as theres furan in with him? dosage of metro?

Ryan he is in his own tank - no others? or do you mean the other fish he was in with before?

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Even though it is a bad idea to treat fish when they aren't sick, if you treat him with metro and he gets better you are going to have to treat the rest because they have been in contact and could have picked up whatever he had.. If he isn't eating then it may well be hex.. Or he could be stressed out. Personally I would try some metro..

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where did you brought thats discus ?......from what you discuss i know it was infected before you brought the fish..maybe it seen to be ok at the previous owner but it already start internal parasite...water change alots dose not help if didnt apply the suitable and correct dosage amount of madicent....please try as below method as I already test according to andrew soh lesson...

1. remove to a clinical small tank to avoid others infected ( i think others already infected but if they can manage to fight back thats ok, the better is to treat all of them together in one time)...

2. second day - add PP (potassium permanganate) at 2 to 2.2mgs per 100L of water + 150gm of normall cooking salt @100L of water...this is to eliminate those free swiming baterial and body...

3. third day - 100% water change and add metro @ 1.5gm per 100L of water + 100gm of salt...as you already got metro...it is better to use tetracyclin antibiotic...

4. fourth day - 100% water change again and use method same as No.2...this time is to eliminate the remaining egg of free swiming baterial which is meto is too week to clean the job..

5. day five - same as method No.3...

6. day six - same as method No.3...

7. final day - back to method No. 2 to cancel treatment...

please when use PP...please allow 2 to 3 hours before adding PP if yo're using anti-clorine...anti-clorine will fertilize PP and turn into pure or choco color......

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Thankyou to all that has given advice.

Thankyou to Ron (discusguru) we have managed to help the discus back to being very well again - he is now very bright and alert, his colour has come back and he was eating bloodworms last night and this morning.


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Thankyou to all that has given advice.

Thankyou to Ron (discusguru) we have managed to help the discus back to being very well again - he is now very bright and alert, his colour has come back and he was eating bloodworms last night and this morning.


Glad the discus made it and started eating again :bounce: :bounce:

Now I would observe the discus for a period of time to see if it fully recover before medicating with all sorts of med. Over medicating with unnessary med will make the fish immune to the med and create super bug.


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