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Blue Rams Behaving Funny


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Yesterday one of my rams (I think the female) looked a bit down and rather dark. Spent alot of time sitting on top of the heater, then near a certain rock and then in a hole in the driftwood. Male was acting pretty normal.

Late yesterday they were hanging out together very close and very bright and colourful.

This morning both are looking dark and one is sitting on top of a rock and the other no where near by but chilling down on the gravel.

I initially was worried the female was sick and then actually thought they may be spawning.

All other fish are fine and water parameters are A OK including tempreture.

Can anyone tell me if this sounds like normal breeding behaviour or possibly something else?


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They seem to be doing ok.

Both have coloured up a bit more but are still not up to their usual antics and sitting around a fair bit.

Havent done any further water changes or anything. Parameters seem all good but just going for stability right now and seeing how they go.


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