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Would .5ppm Nitrite kill a goldfish?


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Hi , DD got a new fantail goldfish before Xmas.

We put it in a QT tank with a air filter filled with media from an existing tank. The day after we got her she laid eggs. Then she sat around on the bottom for a few days. I was a little worried but all tests were ok.

She started swimming around again and a week later laid more eggs . She lay around on the bottom again and two days later was dead. I tested the water all 0 except nitrite which was .5ppm

I had done a 20% water change every 2-3 days the last one on the day she last laid eggs. I tested then and all was ok. I had been using a different test kit and suspect it didn't read correctly.

Would .5ppm nitrite kill?

DD 2 has just got another fantail and we don't want to make another mistake.


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According to a site I looked at, as low as 0.1ppm can be harmful if prolonged. Symptoms of nitrite poisoning are gasping and rapid gill movements, which can be mistaken for a shortage of oxygen. This does not sound like your fish's behaviour.

I wonder if she had a problem in the egg laying department :-?

What were you feeding?

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She wasn't gasping just sitting on the bottom, no rapid gill movements. We fed her goldpearls ( jbl sinking pellets) and the odd pea. She didn't eat on the last day.

I wondered if it was something to do with egg laying but I don't know what is normal behaviour in that department.

I guess I will just put it down to" one of those things". DD 1 is giving up on goldfish now as she has lost 3 in the last year. DD2 is happy coz she gets to have one now.

Here's hoping the new one lasts longer. :)

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Fancy goldfish can have all sorts of problems due to their odd body shape but fantails are usually OK. The other ones can have problems digesting food, especially pellets. If it was food though I would more expect it to develop swim bladder-like symptoms and be unable to stay upright, not just rest.

Sounds like it was just one of those things that we will never know without a full autopsy :(

I have never seen my goldfish laying eggs specifically (or tell which one was doing the laying) as they spawned in a big pond and in a group so I can't tell you whether goldfish usually spawn over a couple of weeks. I remember mine spawning for 2 days then again later but can't remember the time interval. Surely someone here can tell us?? :-?

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