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Baby discus


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a friend has been given quite a few baby discus (2 - 3 cm). Before moving them they were under the internal filter and on their sides, black in colour!! Since moving they (1 week ) they remain on their sides, black and breathing fast. The larger fish from the same batch (5 cm) are fine. Anyone have any suggestions?

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A few years ago I brought 30 baby discus (like 10mm long) off trademe thinking I would raise them and get a tank full.. I lost every single one to what sounds like a similar thing.

Things I found out:

Discus don't move or acclimatize very well when small don't try and do it until they are 40-50mm long.

They most likely had flukes when I got them and needed treatment at the time I didn't have the experience or the access to the drugs to fix it.. The breeder I purchased them off probably should have been more help (I emailed him asking for help and he said "oh well") and not sold me sick fish, I met a few afterwards who had exactly the same problem with fish from him.

I would treat your tank with metro and prazi. Hopefully someone local can help you with the metro, for the prazi ring around your local vets and ask if anyone has droncit (not drontal) and buy a few.

There is plenty of info on dosage etc on here using the search function but from memory.

Temp upto 30C

I 50mg prazi tab per 25L of water

1 400mg metro tab per 40L of water daily with large water changes

I am sure others will be able to help more I usually just add enough prazi to replace the water I water change as it is supposed to last a few days in water and fully redose metro every day as it only lasts 8 hours in water.

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