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Flourish Excel when to start?


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Would someone be able to provide me with an indication as to when one should start dosing with Flourish Excel in a planted aquarium? How soon after initial setup?

**EDIT** Also are there any other liquid fertilizers that are recommended to keep plants looking healthy?



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once your plants start showing some signs of growing. if they are emersed plants, start dosing at the first sign of submersed growth.

Thanks. They have been in the tank for 2 weeks tomorrow and I'd say most of the plants have managed at least a small amount of growth. I'm beginning to notice the early signs of a green stringy algae and brown algae will the flourish excel help with the algae at all?

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I've done a bit of reading through the plants forum and from what I can tell you need 3 main things to glow plants well.

- Light (I have 4x 54watt T5 tubes)

- CO2 (Have bought some flourish excel)

- Ferts. (??)

My questions is: Is the waste that fish provide enough on it's own to cover the Fertilizer category? If not which is a good liquid fert to use in combination with flourish excel and good light?

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My questions is: Is the waste that fish provide enough on it's own to cover the Fertilizer category? If not which is a good liquid fert to use in combination with flourish excel and good light?

Fish waste seems to be enough for me for the nutrients plants get through their roots. But for the nutrients they need through their leaves, PMDD or Flourish should be fine. PMDD is great value for money, HaNs usually has some.

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Mainly the glosso and lilaeopsis mauritana. But there is also rotala, hygrophylla (couple variaties), ludwigia, and quite a few others.

Does that help at all?

yeah. don't worry too much about substrate ferts.

though your glosso would be happier and grow faster with them.

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