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Aragonite makes water cloudy


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I have just put a bag of aragonite sand (1cm) into my 300L tank and even though i washed it a dozen times before putting it in, it is making my water cloudy, I have done 5 full water changes and even vaccumed the sand several times but its still making my water cloudy.

Am I doing something wrong?

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It should settle after a while - unless you have a Goldstripe Maroon clownfish who likes to stir it up all the time when wriggling around in an anemone on the bottom of the tank :evil:

What filter are you running, you could try putting some filter wool in it to try and polish the water for a bit -you will need to take it out carefully and rinse it often or it will get clogged with the 'dust'.

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its driving me insane!!! :evil:

I have a Fluval 405 running, so was going to fill it up with filter wool hopefully that it will help it clear. I have been swirling it all around this morning while I am emptying the tank to get some of the dust out.

What if i were to put some charcoal in there as well? Will that help clear the water?

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