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So... setting up a canister filter... the media...


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Hi guys,

I am trying to set up this canister filter for what is going to be my Oscar tank (hehe the beloved decided she wants one... who am I to argue!). Inside it has four 'baskets' each with a foam filter in it. I am not sure where to put the media?

I have 'ceramic bio rings' and 'active carbon'. Do I need to use both? I gather the bio rings helps with the biological processes, but is the carbon just for medicating, i.e. I don't need it unless medicating?

Where should I put this media? i.e. What should I put in the top level? Next one down? Next one down? Bottom? Do I take the foam out if I am putting rings on a level? And how many rings should I put? Do i fill up an entire level or two?

I hope those questions made sense...

Cheers in advance!

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the carbon is good for taking things like meds out of the water but IMO shouldn't be used all the time as it will absorb may things then release all at obce when it is full.

I also have bio rings & pads etc in the baskets & they work very well. i typically clean it out every 4 to 6 weeks or when the flow reduces considerably.

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Hey, thanks Smidey, thanks Caryl.

Do I put the rings in every basket, including the top one? I ask, because the rings will be kept in place somewhat, in all the lower baskets, by the basket above each one. Whereas with the top basket, there seems to be more room for them to float aorund.

Cheers :)

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I'm afraid I have not seen one of those filters. If it is a plug of some sort one would expect it to be on the top of the filter somewhere :-?

Does it have ribbed hoses? Is it to shut off a hose or an alternative outlet for a hose somewhere perhaps :roll:

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Nice floors :P Try using macro (flower button) next time.

Heh thanks.

The planted aquarium you were helping me with has been put on hold while we set up this tank - am actually going to get a slightly bigger (than my 60l) planted tank to open my options a bit.

What do you mean 'macro/flower button' - confused :8

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Cameras have a close-up function called macro. It is usually indicated in a screen display as a small flower (a tulip I think) hence the term flower button. I usually refer to it as tulip mode myself :lol:

Using macro will give us a clear shot of the object close up rather than focussing on your lovely floor in the distance :wink:

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Cameras have a close-up function called macro. It is usually indicated in a screen display as a small flower (a tulip I think) hence the term flower button. I usually refer to it as tulip mode myself :lol:

Using macro will give us a clear shot of the object close up rather than focussing on your lovely floor in the distance :wink:

Thanks Caryl.

Lol - I thought he was j/k in some way, but so hard to tell tone via type :)

And I think we have damn nice floors....

I think that small cap is a non - issue - I think it does some kind of alternative flow to the piping in the tank.

One 'last' question - does this tubing look alright - I have visions of the water surging through and the tubing going everywhere...

Here are the tubes - captured with flower mode!!!!


We have jammed the green tubing into the pipe, and managed to screw the fastener onto it a little, sorry for the dumb questions, but I pretty much suck ;p


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