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how many fish


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OK My turn LOL

My tank is 915X380X380mm

This is whats in there so far.


1 Male swordtail

1 peppered catfish

1 albino catfish

1 tiny baby pleco

I am hoping to get more swordys.....maybe 3 females

Do I have room for guppies aswell.....maybe a trio?

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Wow....cool stuff....YAY more fish LOL

Hopefully will be getting more in the next few weeks.

Also getting a couple more baby plecos (next week sometime)

for $1.50 each....off trademe.

Fingers crossed that Eon still has a trio of guppies left for me too next week.

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my tank is only 750x300x300 and I have in it

3 swordtails,

2 dwarf gouramis ,

1 siamese fighter,

2 neon tetras,

2 bristlenose

5 mountain minnows,

2 harlequinns

1 kuhli loach and

1 skunk fish.

Question- how many more and if what breeds could I put in ?

Shae, I'd be quite happy to stock it up to what I suggest,prolly even go more.

Alan 104

Firstly in a 68 litre tank, you shouldnt have more than 20 inch of fish at the most! the tank is already overstocked! roughyl killiefan already has a bout 35 inches of fish in his tank! that is way over stocked!!!! its not healthy!

secondly if you were to add as you say "what you would suggest" then he would start running into problems! if he istn already then i am quite surprised!

I thought it was you Alan who was complaining about small spaces that fish were keeped in, well this is the same thing!!

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OK My turn LOL

My tank is 915X380X380mm

This is whats in there so far.


1 Male swordtail

1 peppered catfish

1 albino catfish

1 tiny baby pleco

I am hoping to get more swordys.....maybe 3 females

Do I have room for guppies aswell.....maybe a trio?

Thats a 130l tank Phillz so you've got a bit of growing out to do!

Shae 250

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HAHA Alan....I knew you were kidding about the Oscars....had to checkout what the Pacus were though LMAO!!!

So ya reakon to stay away from the plecos......bugger I think they look really cool!

Will stick to just the one then :wink:

Looks like I'm getting another male swordy from killifan.....so 4-6 ladies for the 2 blokes then I guess.

How many guppies would be a safe bet ya reakon? :lol:

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how many do you want? you could have alot in that tank! if you just want a small group, then say 3 males 9 females?? its up to you, dont go any lower than 1m-3f you'll end up having problems! i have a ratio of 1m to 4f in my tanks! dont get crappy little feeders though there horrible little wild looking things!

Shae 250

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I know it looks a lot of fish, but if you don't count the long tail on the sword they are all only about an inch with possibly the gouramis a bit more because they have the rounder body.

I lost some neons at the beginning when I had fewer fish, but any water tests at the LFS have had all the levels being fine.

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Shae, check back on those fish and you'll maybe notice three are anabantids. :roll:

That rule of size per gallon or litre went out when Noah was keeping fish from disappearing when the great flood hit.

That must have been to global warming come to think of it too.


Maybe I'd increase my schools higher,


maybe get me a pair of bleeding hearts.

Alan 104

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Shae, check back on those fish and you'll maybe notice three are anabantids. :roll:

That rule of size per gallon or litre went out when Noah was keeping fish from disappearing when the great flood hit.

That must have been to global warming come to think of it too.


Maybe I'd increase my schools higher,


maybe get me a pair of bleeding hearts.

Alan 104

Shae according to my calculations

the size of the container that I was referring to, would have been the equivalent of 40 plus, fish.

These would be unheated and unfiltered

No discussion I think.

Alan 104

Firstly what does anabantiods have to do with anything, did you not finish your sentence or something i didnt quite get it?

secondly i am rather surprised to hear that the litre per inch of fish rule has been out since "noah and the arc" because i could sware some of the moderators in other posts giving this advice not so long ago!

Thirdy i would love to no what "container" you are refering to? and also would like to now, not only where your calculations are coming from, but what you mean by "unheated and unfiltered"?

Personally i think there is quite a discusion here, becuase if i am wrong about this then alot of advice and things i have read have been rong also!

Shae 250

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Examples of Anabantoids are Bettas, Gouramis, Paradise Fish.

Notice they are all air breathers.

If you check out this link you will see what I mean by a small, unsuitable , unfiltered, unheated container.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auct ... d=17364561

I got my calcs from this, and I have actually allowed more water than is in it.

Diam 100mm Height 200mm.

It was a while since I was at school but I think my figures are correct, I'm sure you'll tell me if they aren't.

What the mods say and advise to do is based on their experience, for me, I'd quite happily, as I said before, have more fish in this 68 litre tank.

Alan 104

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Examples of Anabantoids are Bettas, Gouramis, Paradise Fish.

Notice they are all air breathers.

If you check out this link you will see what I mean by a small, unsuitable , unfiltered, unheated container.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auct ... d=17364561

I got my calcs from this, and I have actually allowed more water than is in it.

Diam 100mm Height 200mm.

It was a while since I was at school but I think my figures are correct, I'm sure you'll tell me if they aren't.

What the mods say and advise to do is based on their experience, for me, I'd quite happily, as I said before, have more fish in this 68 litre tank.

Alan 104

ok, cool, now i relise what your were talkign about, regarding the betta tank.

interesting so you based your calculations on killifans 68l tank, on a 100mm x 200mm tank??? im very confused?? that makes no sence at all!

the great thing about this hobby is that its everyone to there own! what some person likes another person does not, what one man enjoys another man doesnt!! so i geuss it will be up to killifan to decide in the end!

it just seemed strange to me that you were telling and aquariest to oversock there tank?

Shae 250

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I didn't say I'd Put 40 fish into that tank.

I said, going on the dimensions of the aforesaid betta tank, killifans tank Would hold 40 fish, inmost cases, too many.

But imagine a school of 40 Emerald Eyed rasbora.

Kewl, and not overstocked.

It is Your opinion that I'm telling killifan to overstock,

I don't believe I am.

Alan 104

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livebearer_breeder chill a bit you have to remember alan and alot of people on here have had fish for years and years so he was round when the book first came out, and alan is much like myself read the books did what they said , tried our own ways and some times they work some time they dont but we learnt and now keep fish , breed fish and live for fish .

in the old days filters, water and info wasnt that good now we can do so much more with the tanks than ever before

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livebearer_breeder chill a bit you have to remember alan and alot of people on here have had fish for years and years so he was round when the book first came out, and alan is much like myself read the books did what they said , tried our own ways and some times they work some time they dont but we learnt and now keep fish , breed fish and live for fish .

in the old days filters, water and info wasnt that good now we can do so much more with the tanks than ever before

thnks for proofing my point!

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