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food for 51/2 week old fry


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i have baby bettas and was wondering when you guys reckon i could start feeding them frozn bloodworms all chopped up - i have 70 fry and am currently feeding them the fine powdery baby food, they have had liquidfry and bbs in the past but have run out of bbs eegs to create more so they are currently only getting the baby food.

cheers for any replies in advance


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Get hold of some micro worms.They shouldn't foul the tank as quickly as the powdered food.At about a week old they should be big enough to start feeding on their first brineshrimp.

A trick I used to use for getting my fighter fry onto flake is to add a few guppy fry of the same size.The fighter fry will start to copy the guppies.

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:D thanks for that -

size wise - i really havent measured them - they are actually varying in sizes - i am feeding them fine baby food at the mo cos i already had it at home (also means i dont have to crush the flakes - oh how lazy :oops: )

anyways everything seems to be going well in the tank i am actually thinking of doing a tank xfer and putting them into my middle sized tank (50L approx when full) and putting my new boy betta into the smaller tank(20L)

will let you know if i go ahead with this

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well i xferred the babies from their 20L to the larger tank on Friday nite (gee wat a social life i have :lol: ) and as i xferred them over i did another recount = alot of the smaller babies seem to have passed on and i now have about 54 babies

but thats still all good

i grated some frozen blood worm on friday and added that to the babies tank and the bigger ones just seem to go nuts over it so will definitely keep that up!!!!

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