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3 foot tank


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Yes, I too bought a big pot of hairgrass and planted it bang smack in the middle of my tank. A month later I had one or two runners and a whole ot of brown blades. Split off a few bunches and they sent out runners within a week. Removed all the grass to my nano hairgrass tank and split it up into many mediumish bunches, they spreaded well.

Hoping this will be even better. :)

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Spreadedededededed! :lol: :lol:

I read on many sites that trimming hairgrass encourages new growth and more runners. I just trimmed some to that height in my divided tank and it going well. I didn't trim it in tank (can't handle the mess) so I pulled it all out and trimmed it in an icecream container. The bunches were about 3-4cm long before planted but are only sticking out about 1 or 2 cm's. Hopefully we'll see some good spreadage. :wink:

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Oh yeah - Hairgrass is messy when you start attacking it with the scissors!

I just got hold of mine wet, and gave it a haircut :)

Its when you separate it and it becomes rather delicate that hairs end up all in the tank, stuck to the glass in hard to reach places..

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Started planting at around 3.30pm. Still got more than 2/3 of the glosso to do but I cut up the Rotala and put that in. Hairgrass in untouched so far.

Glosso is really tricky to plant and I think I'm doing it all wrong. There seems to be runners that have little leaves at set intervals. I'm getting about 3 pairs of leaves on a runner, bunching it up and pushing it into the gravel. That sound right?

Will load up some pics once done.

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I would be honoured if Amano came within 10 metres of this tank, even if it was only to throw up on it. Maybe he'd hurl some Red Cherry's in too? :D

Im really hoping that the Glosso will pickup, I fear I have planted it all wrong. Just a waiting game I guess, and if it fails, more hairgrass! :lol:

Sorry about the useless photo's. It's quite hard to take whole tank shots of larger tanks. Plus those rocks may as well be mirrors, can't wait for algae growth :o Yes, I said it... :oops:

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