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3 foot tank


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Yay! I think I solved the heater problem! :bounce: Pulled out the button, adjusted to 28, pushed in button, adjusted to 26 and the light hasn't come on yet. Temperature is falling.

Ammonia was at around 1ppm this morning so I took it up to 5ppm with 15ml of Cloudy Ammonia.

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Ammonia test is getting low, need to buy another kit soon. Was at 1ppm this morning so dosed another 5mls as it took ages to fall last time. This is how I'd like to run the CO2, all off a little shelf above the tanks. I'm going run regular DIY CO2 in a 3L juice bottle with one line to a purifier, from there to a gang valve with 1/3 going into the 35cm and 2/3 into the 3 footer H.O.B. May adjust over time or to suit my needs, probably won't turn off over night though.


How should I attach the shelf to the wall?

Does anyone see any problems?


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Thanks P44, it looks okay for 45mins work seperating and plant hairgrass :o

I don't think it's talent, it's just hairgrass. That stuff works wonders. Idk if I should keep it low and plant the front with Glosso or let the hairgrass take over the front and plant tallish stems behind the rocks.


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I know :D

Might run CO2 from 3ltr juice bottle next time we get juice or maybe just a milk bottle. Will a milk bottle be okay?

Tested Ammonia this morning, it was at 1ppm. Tested Nitrites this avo, were at 0ppm. Once the Nitrite levels spike, I'll add the BN's and Platies. HFF has Hairgrass and Rotala and awesome prices but no word on the Glosso. Anyone got Glosso?

That's all I can think of for now.


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I know :D

Might run CO2 from 3ltr juice bottle next time we get juice or maybe just a milk bottle. Will a milk bottle be okay?

Tested Ammonia this morning, it was at 1ppm. Tested Nitrites this avo, were at 0ppm. Once the Nitrite levels spike, I'll add the BN's and Platies. HFF has Hairgrass and Rotala and awesome prices but no word on the Glosso. Anyone got Glosso?

That's all I can think of for now.


A milk bottle won't be nearly as strong as a fizz bottle (fizz bottles are designed to be under pressure). Personally I wouldn't use a milk bottle as it might split! :o

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Thanks Whetu!

I knew I forgot something!

I was at Cockle Bay (Howick) yesterday picking up my new fighters and went down to the beach to kill some time. I was walking round the puddles in the rocks and saw some crabs and anemones. Also saw a 5cm baby flounder! But what interested me most was these clear little shrimp that darted away from my finger when I tried to touch them.

I think they are Paratya curvirostris (http://www.nzfreshwater.org/shrimp.html) but where in pretty much full salt water, the area they are in gets covered by the tide.

Are they the above?

If so, are they suitable for my tank?

Thanks :bow:

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I think any freshwater shrimp in NZ needs really cool water. I know they cannot handle tropical water. :(

if those were in salt water, then they wont live in freshwater - and it would have to be a cold water marine tank too.

maybe I can spare you a cherry shrimp?

(I lie I have no cherry shrimp)

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