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3 foot tank


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I'm not sure what I'm going to stock this tank with. I have two old platies who have done their dash and I think they're gunna cark it soon. Two kribs that I would like to sell, my Betta isn't happy having to sure his tank with them, he's doing a big sulk. And then there's the pair of BN's and their baby. Is it okay to have them in a tank with no driftwood? They seem to like it an awful lot.

But apart from the above :lol: , I'm pretty much free to stock any cheapish fish. I was thinking a nice big school of either Cherry Barbs or if we have them here, some micro rasboras (I wish!).

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Sorry, had to do the obligatory shameless plug!

Damnit Sam, it looks like I am going to have to dig out my three footer and set it up now after seeing yours...

I have all the gear, but will have to rearrange the whole garage to do so :evil:

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Maybe we could have a competition? Who else has 3 footers? *Dejavu much?* :o :lol: :wink:

I'm not sure about Killies, haven't seen much of them. I do like the banded pearlfish though... :)

I hope I can pull this one off, it'd be nice to have a tank I can be proud of.

Ammonia was at 1ppm this morning so I brought it up to around 5ppm again. It's at about 2ppm so I'm just waiting for it to drop to 1ppm before I dose again.

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Get some Rummynoses in there. I'm going to hopefully get some eventually and try breed them. The only thing that put me off was that I read that they don't get the red nose until they're 9 months old :o

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Ammonia was at 1ppm this morning so I brought it up to around 5ppm again. It's at about 2ppm so I'm just waiting for it to drop to 1ppm before I dose again.

What are you using to dose ammonis?? :o

I recon a school of tetras/rasboras (30ish:D)

And a pair of BN (hide a peice of wood behind the rocks)

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I've got a school of about 50 adult oscars in there at the moment. :lol:

Kidding, I'm using regular cloudy ammonia. The HomeBrand stuff from FoodTown.

Good idea about hiding the wood, the heater's already back there, shhh! It might get in the way of the plants I want to put back there.

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Good idea about hiding the wood, the heater's already back there, shhh! It might get in the way of the plants I want to put back there.

:lol: If your're that worried about plants tie a anubias to it so it grows above the rocks and looks even better :D

And what was the Shhhh!!! for :wink:

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I wish I had some Anubias, I forgot to ask HFF for some :oops:

The Shhh! was for the heater hiding.

Which happens to be playing up :-? . I thought Jagers were supposed to be good but set at 26 and running at 29 aint good. Lowered it to 23 to see if that helps. Not a faulty thermometer either, I have one at each end atm.

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I tried pulling the liddle blue button but it seems to be stuck. How can I unstuck it? I remember I pushed it down once ages ago and it stayed at 26, just like it was set.

Does the heater need to be on for the button to come unstuck?


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Turned off power and used a letter opener to pop up the blue button. Turned the dial to 28C (tank temp.) and pushed the button back down. Adjusted the dial to 26C (desired temp.) but when I switched it back on, the pilot light went on, indicating the heater was on. :-?

Will have to wait till morning to see if it works properly.

Ammonia still sitting around 2.6ppm, hopefully down to >1ppm by morning.

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Still wondering what I should stock. Have been thinking about Hatchets, Pantodon :o:o , Barbs, Rasboras and Tetras.

I'd be keen for some tetras but would it be cruel to keep them in high light situations?

Also, Endlers, anyone got them?

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I've got some blue rams in my 54L so if they out grow that then they can go in here. Still haven't got rid of my Kribs so I guess they'll be going back in here with the BN's. I've always found corydoras a bit expensive but if I can get some for around $5 ea then that would be great.

Any pics Twinkles?

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